Nenad Nedović, Milosav Adamović, Ivana Sretenović

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The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is a common balance test relying on assessment tools such as the SwayTM Balance application for IOS mobile, encompassing the tri-axial accelerometers and movement sensors to measure bodily sway. Given that age and gender are important factors when using this methodology, suitable normative score sets were determined. The main aim of this study was a quantitative analysis of the ability of healthy, 21-year-old participants of both genders to maintain postural balance using the aforementioned normative values. The postural balance scoring was done by the co-application of the modified BESS test and SwayTM Balance software during a protocol organized in three-week double-scoring sessions. In order to assess the participants’ age- and gender-dependent abilities, the average balance score medians were contextualized with the appropriate normative values. All of the participants showed average results, with scores ameliorating during the procedure, and the female participants showed generally better results than the males. Focusing solely on the first-session scores revealed, however, that men had scored at the low average cut-off point, while women scored below average age- and sex-dependent cut-off points. However, in the last session both genders scored deeply within the average. This study showed average abilities of the studied participants according to the normative values, as well as a generally better performance of the women compared to the men, but it has also pointed out that, due to subject adaptation, the chosen combination of protocol and technology is of limited usefulness for balance assessment in the general population, indicating the need for protocol adjustments in future studies.


BESS, SwayTM, normative scores, balance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES190315010N


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