Suzana Subić, Zoran Simonović

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The aim of the paper is to indicate that for the sustainable development of school sports infrastructure it is necessary to create conditions that should be clearly defined in the mutual rights and obligations of all participants in the process of construction, use and maintenance. This would be achieved through public-private partnerships between the state and the private sector. This paper is based on the experiences of some of the European Union countries, which have solved the problems of building, upgrading, equipping and maintaining school sports facilities through public-private partnership projects, on the legal regulations contained in the Green Paper on Public-Private Partnership, as well as the Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions in the Republic of Serbia. Certainly, the desire to improve the quality of educational services, from one side, and lack of money in the budgets of central and local governments, on the other side, imposes the need to research this type of business cooperation and project financing. This paper also points to the need for more detailed research into the possibilities of applying public-private partnership, through projects in the field of education and its effects on increasing the quality of the physical education teaching. The paper also reviews the complexity of the implementation of public-private partnership in traditional educational frameworks, due to the complexity of the relationship between the two partners who impose different interests.


school sports facilities, public private partnership, European Union, Republic of Serbia

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