Alexandros Vergonis, Yiannis Michailidis, Dimitrios Mikikis, Eleni Semaltianou, George Mavrommatis, Kosmas Christoulas, Thomas Metaxas

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The aims of this research are to record and analyze the goals scored during the 64 matches in the 21st World Cup in Russia in 2018, to highlight those factors that are directly related to the teams’ effectiveness in scoring, to record the goals approved after the use of the new technologies, video assistant referee and goal line technology, as well as their effect on the outcome of the game. Chi-square and univariate general linear methods were used for the data analysis. Statistical difference is observed in the number of goals scored between the two halves (X²=8.699, p<0.005). A comparable percentage of scoring in most of the periods with exceptions of the periods in over time, the period 16th to 30th min, the addition time of the first and second half and the period 76th to 90th min of the game is determined (p<0.01). The teams that scored first won 71.4% matches, lost 9.5% and had a tie 19% of the matches (X²=42.000, p<0.001). Most of the goals were scored following a corner kick (24), penalty (22) and free kick scored non-directly (16), which were significantly different from free kick scored directly (6) and throw in (2) (X²=26.857, p<0.001). 19 goals were scored from cross, 19 from a long-range shot (8 of them with the “inner foot”), 18 from a forward pass and 12 from cutback. Statistical differences between the first four groups and all of the others are determined (X²=27.818, p<0.01). Significant differences were found between the goals that “began” from the offensive third, the middle and the defensive third (X²=73.645, p<0.001). 58.9% of the goals are scored following positional play, which is significantly different compared to counter attack (29.5%) and direct play (11.6%) (X²=32.611, p<0.001). Over 59 goals were scored from “the inner part of the foot” or “place”, and 31 from header, which were significantly different from the other types of shot (X²=89.254, p<0.001).


Soccer, Goal, Match Analysis, Long-Range Shot, Video Assistant Referee

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