Milan Radaković, Miroslav Smajić, Ivana Parčina, Miloš Petrović

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The aim of this paper is to present guidelines and perspective on observing objective circumstances and subjective factors which explain why European and Serbian two football clubs which have won most trophies, are where they are today. The sample of the analysis consists of six top European clubs and two of the most successful football clubs from Serbia. Football club ownership structures primarily depend on the government arrangement, i.e. the legislative norms of the state in which they exist. Football clubs in Serbia function as civic organizations. A comparative analysis of European and Serbian clubs has been conducted, by using the generally accepted Polonsky model of sports organizations.  It is easily applicable to football as well, and it is about 12 factors that influence one sports, in this case, football organization. As in many spheres, Serbian best clubs are far behind European standards. Sports success in qualifications for the European competitions and sporadic participation are more the result of sports performances and team strength than their organization and structure. While European football is becoming one of the most important elements of the economy and the society, contributing to improvement and changing cities, regions or countries, Serbian football is primarily a burden and an expense for the economy and the society.


Model of Football Clubs, Top European Football Clubs, Top Serbian Football Clubs

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