Darko Stojanović, Nataša Branković, Tijana Stojanović, Zoran Momčilović

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The purpose of this experimental study was to determine the effects of a skill-based exercise program on the body composition of adolescents. The study was conducted on 90 participants, (age, 13±6 years), divided by gender then randomly assigned into two sub-samples: the experimental [SS1, N=39 (EG1, 19 girls and EG2, 20 boys)] and the control group [SS2, N=51 (CG1, 24 girls and CG2, 27 boys)]. Body composition parameters were assessed by a caliper (skinfold thickness) and bioelectrical impedance analyzer Omron BF511 (percentage of body fat tissue and muscle tissue). After conducting the 16-week program of skill-based exercises and small-sided games (SSG) related to volleyball, certain body composition parameters statistically significantly increased in the experimental groups (except body fat percent in girls, and body fat mass in both genders). In the experimental period, the SS2 increased in body fat tissue (both genders) and in muscle tissue (girls), while a decrease in muscle tissue was recorded among the boys. The results of this study showed no significant differences in the effects of the two programs on body composition at the multivariate level for both genders. Furthermore, at the univariate level it was noted that the students following the experimental program (SS1) had better results compared to the SS2 of students in terms of the decrease of body fat tissue, as well as the increase of muscle tissue for both genders. The obtained results indicate that the program of skill-based exercises and SSG related to volleyball is suitable for adequate intensification of PE classes and improvement of body composition parameters of elementary school students.


Skill-Based Exercise, Small-Sided Games, Body Composition, Physical Education, Adolescents

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