Branko Krsmanovic, Marijana Simic, Maja Batez, Tijana Scepanovic

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Abstract: Everyday activities of humans are greatly conditioned by their motor functioning, among other things. The modern lifestyle is determined by the high technology development which, through automation, makes life and work somehow easier to a man, on the one hand, and on the other he is denied physical activity and realization of his physical potential. The overall orientation of the research problem is focused on the physical activity of boys from the aspect of different levels of motor engagement and its impact on morphological characteristics and motor abilities with an intention to determine whether there are statistically significant differences between groups. In a sample of 67 students, aged 17-18 years (± 6 months) were divided into three sub-samples according to the level of physical activity: high (26), moderate (22) and low (19). The study carried out was of transversal character. The data obtained in the survey were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. The results obtained indicate the existence of the statistically significant differences between groups in terms of motor skills, at the level of significance of p<0.05, while regarding morphological characteristics statistically significant differences between groups were not observed.

Keywords: morphological characteristics, motor abilities, physical activity, older school age, boys.

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