Miljan Hadžović, Ljiljana Jelenković, Bojan Jorgić, Ana Lilić, Nikola Prvulović

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The aim of this review research was to determine the effects of the physical activity (PA) on obesity among the elderly. To compile existing studies on the effects of PA on obese elderly individuals, PubMed, SCIndeks, PEDro, J-GATE, DOAJ and Google Scholar electronic databases were searched. By analyzing and applying the set criteria, the final analysis included 20 studies, and the positive influence of the PA on the obesity of the elderly was confirmed. The greatest effect on the decrease in body mass was achieved by the simultaneous application of a combination of exercise programs and dietary regimen for a period of 6 months. It was concluded that combined programs of aerobics, weight training, flexibility and balance exercises for a period of at least 12 weeks lead to a mild decrease in body mass and the amount of fat mass, while maintaining and increasing lean body mass mostly in the form of muscle tissue. PA is an effective mean in reducing obesity, and thus its use among the elderly is recommended.


Physical Exercise, Ageing, Body Composition, Body Mass Index, Weight Loss

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