Jovana Trbojević, Jelica Petrović

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The aim of this study is to determine how top-level female soccer and volleyball players, and young, cadet and junior female volleyball players view themselves, their abilities, and their specific motor skills for sport in relation to other female and male athletes. In Study 1, the sample consisted of 24 female top soccer and volleyball players of the highest sporting rank in Serbia. In Study 2, the sample consisted of 31 female cadet and junior volleyball players. They all filled out a brief questionnaire regarding self-perception about their sporting abilities, when compared with same-sex and opposite-sex athletes of the same rank, sport and age. The results of Study 1 show that female top soccer and volleyball players perceive themselves as less competent when compared with male athletes of the same sport and age (t(22)=5.97, p=.00). The results of Study 2 show that female cadet and junior volleyball players perceive themselves as less competent in Serve strength (t(29)=3.27, p=.030) and Physical endurance and strength (t(29)=2.52, p=.017) when compared with male volleyball players of the same age. The obtained results call for further examination of gender differences in perceived self-competence.


Female Athletes, Self-Perception, Competence, Soccer, Volleyball

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