Marijana Mladenović, Darko Stojanović

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Self-determination theory is a dominant conceptual frame in the research of sports motivation, while the original Sport motivation scale, SMS-28, is adapted in many languages. The aim of this research was to translate and adapt the original scale into the Serbian language and to conduct a preliminary factor analysis in order to confirm a seven-factor solution. The sample included 608 active athletes on an international, national or lower competition level in different individual or team sports, of both genders, with a Median value for age of 18 years, an average of 10 years of sports experience. The results indicated good internal consistency of the Serbian version (Mean alpha 0.86), with only an amotivation subscale with a low alpha value (0.54). A simplex pattern of the self-determination continuum was confirmed. The confirmatory factor analysis suggested some good fit indices (X2/df=4.26; SRMR=0.07; RMSEA=0.07; GFI=0.85; AGFI=0.81), while some indices did not meet the criteria of good model fit (CFI=0.81; NFI=0.77). We suggest further research should examine the scale on a more homogeneous sample in regard to competition level. Key words: motivation, sport motivation scale, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, factor analysis


motivation, sport motivation scale, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, factor structure

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