Vladan Pelemiš, Danimir Mandić, Zoran Momčilović, Vladimir Momčilović, Velibor Srdić

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The main goal of this research was to determine gender-related differences in some parameters of body composition caused by the nutritional status of preschool children, and group differences within subsamples caused by the nutritional status of both genders. The total sample consisted of 188 participants, boys (n=107) and girls (n=81) from Belgrade, with average values of body height BH=124.59cm±5.76 and body mass BM=24.32kg±3.11, average age 6.39±0.44 years. Body composition was assessed using the InBody 230 device. The main parameters of descriptive statistics were calculated. The MANOVA method was used to determine gender differences in the entire sample, and the ANOVA method was used to determine individual differences. A series of Post-Hoc Bonferroni tests were performed to determine between which groups significant statistical differences existed. This study provides encouraging findings when it comes to a satisfactory percentage of normally nourished children of both genders, but it should also point to a certain trend in the rise of obese and overweight children who make up almost 17% of the total sample. The differences observed in the girls’ subsample may indicate girls enter the pre-pubertal phase earlier than boys, based on the differences in the amount of body fat tissue, but also always greater muscle mass in the boys' subsample, and lower average values of body mass and the Body Mass Index in the girls' subsample. Constant monitoring of children’s nutritional status and physical abilities every six months or once a year is recommended.


Body Mass Index, Body Composition, Gender and Group Differences, Preschool Age

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