Milena Stojanović Stošić, Jovana Stajić

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The paper analyzes teachers’ attitudes and beliefs concerning the use of different materials that can be used for artistic expression in arts education called non-standard art material (NAM)[1]. By manipulating and experimenting with these materials children participate in creative games that incite curiosity, initiate first original ideas and strengthen the team spirit. The research was conducted on a sample of 56 teachers who work in primary schools in the territory of the town of Vranje. The instrument used to collect the data was constructed for the purpose of this research. The results indicate the importance of the use of NAM in arts education – their application in the realization of a great number of units since the first grade of primary school develops creative and critical thinking among pupils, which further contributes to a more creative approach to teaching other subjects.

[1]A vast array of semi-shaped, refuse material for recycling, natural material that has found its application in arts education


creativity, creative games, arts education, NAM

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)