Efstathios Xafakos, Aikaterini Vassiou, Vasileios Stavropoulos, Vassiliki Tzika

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Openness to new ideas and practices could be characterized as a primary condition that leads teachers to innovation and it is also a key component of schools that foster teachers’ and students’ learning. However, there are not many studies that examine teachers’ openness and factors related to it, while the relationship between self-efficacy and innovation has been identified. The study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and openness to new ideas and practices. Using a quantitative approach 182 primary school teachers completed a self-reported questionnaire consisted of a self-efficacy scale and one subscale that refers to openness. The statistical analysis of the primary data showed that teachers express themselves clearly positively both in terms of their self-efficacy and their openness to new ideas, while a weak correlation was found between the two variables. The results partially confirm the findings of similar studies and demonstrate the necessity of further investigation of this specific topic and the search for organizational factors that may influence these variables.


teachers’ openness to new ideas, teachers’ self-efficacy, Greek education settings

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