Suzana Nikodinovska - Bancotovska

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Educators in preschool institutions monitor the development and progress of each child, which leads to keeping a dossier for the child (development portfolio). This paper presents an appropriate approach for keeping a dossier of the child in the preschool institution: coordination between preschool and primary education with the aim of achieving an appropriate holistic development of the child. The subject of this research is to study the monitoring of the children's progress. The scientific goal is to analyze the way of monitoring the children's progress and to determine a system of recommendations for the transmission of relevant data from the child's dossier to the primary school. According to the objective, several operational tasks are defined. One of the tasks refers to the study of the ways and forms in which the dossier for monitoring the child's progress is kept in the preschool institutions. In the study we use the following research methods: the theoretical-analytical method for studying the theoretical basis of the research and the analytical-descriptive method to determine the state of the pedagogical reality. The research was conducted using documentary analysis techniques and by interviewing the opinions and attitudes of the educators (who represent the sample), using a list of records and a questionnaire as instruments. Some of the conclusions are: Need for coordination between the pedagogical and psychological facilities of the kindergarten and the primary school; restructuring of the children's records with individual approaches and recommendations, etc.


analysis, dossier, progress, monitoring

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)