Siniša Stojanović

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The paper analyzes the presentation of management content in education in pedagogical journals in Serbia. Journals were selected for the analysis from the list of categorized domestic journals of psychology, pedagogy, andragogy and special education. The temporal sample of the analysis was set for the period of the last 10 years. The basic starting point of the analysis are the papers that contain in their title explicitly mentioned terms that refer precisely to the context of the concept of management in pedagogy (management, editing, leadership, system management, management, economics, leadership). The mentioned semantic context also represents the basic unit of analysis of the mentioned contents. The analysis of the journals in the field of education according to the mentioned criteria leads to the conclusion that the number of articles in this field is significantly lower than the articles dealing with general pedagogical issues. This results in the need for a more precise scientific definition of the status of management in education and a systematization of the contents in connection with the aforementioned theoretical framework.


management in education, pedagogical periodicals, theoretical analysis, unit of analysis

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