Barış Eriçok

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In this review, I aim to reveal the supervision practices maintained within the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and to discuss them in the context of quality.
First of all, I presented an overview of the National Education System. Then I provided an overview of higher education. I introduced the supervision services carried out in both structures and the bodies responsible for them.
As a result, I discovered that MoNE supervises all public and private educational institutions with two bodies: the Board of Inspectors and the Internal Audit Unit. Supervisors in Turkey play a critical role in monitoring the implementation of the curriculum, supporting teachers, assessing teacher performance, ensuring compliance with regulations and policies, and identifying areas for improvement.
Another result obtained from this study is that supervision studies in the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) are carried out by three bodies: the Higher Education Supervisory Board, the Internal Audit Unit, and the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC). While the Higher Education Supervisory Board is an authoritative organization, its mandate does not include assessing the quality of individual courses or departments. The internal audit unit assesses if CoHE's resources are being used economically, efficiently, and effectively to meet its aims. As a result of THEQC's quality activities, universities set a mission and vision; published strategic plans; created a quality assurance policy, job descriptions, workflow charts, and alumni tracking systems. Quality assurance efforts enabled universities to start accreditation studies; and entered the internal and external evaluation processes. It should be noted that the separation of universities into research universities or the Regional Development-Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Program in Turkey is also a result of quality assurance studies.


supervision of education, Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Council of Higher Education (CoHE)

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