Ana Spasić Stošić

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Within the system of institutional education and training close attention is being devoted to environmental education in primary schools. In the last few decades we have witnessed a significant vulnerability of the environment, so environmental education of young people from an early age becomes a necessity that should be continuously studied and promoted. In addition to educational element, there is an increasing demand for the improved realization of environmentally educational component. This paper analyses the curriculum of the subject Science and Social Studies in the third and fourth grade of primary education with the aim of establishing the presence of contents related to environmental education and environmental awareness development among children. By analyzing the teaching contents of the subject Science and Social Studies, teaching units have been recognized that, directly or indirectly, indicate to pupils the significance of the environment protection, thus showing them their role in the process of environmental awareness development. The contents of the subject Science and Social Studies offer great possibilities for knowledge, skills and habits acquisition in the area of the environment protection and promotion.


environmental education, environmental contents, science and social studies teaching, curriculum.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE170328007S


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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)