Srboljub Đorđević, Dragana Stanojević, Siniša Stojanović, Lucija Đorđević

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The development of speech and language culture of pre-school children is one of important (if not the most important) tasks of preschool education. The paper contains the results of research on pronunciation of preschool children realized on a sample of 119 children of pre-school preparatory program. We have presented a standardized test of articulation. Research has highlighted the particular importance of early treatment of disorders in sound pronunciation of preschool children. Early identification of difficulties in pronunciation of children provides more adequate help and support from teachers, which help children with difficulties in articulating to get better achievements, not only in pre-school, but also later in school. This emphasizes the need for training teachers to determine the speech-language status of children, to use the articulation exercises of critical sounds in Serbian language sound system, and thus to correct the articulation disorders which do not belong to the etiology of speech pathology. For this purpose it is specially emphasized that children's literature is the basis for the realization of activities in the area of discrimination and articulation of sounds and speech in general, and in the later stages of the formation of children's vocabulary, logically connected and cultivated speech, expressive speech and a number of other targeted activities. Accordingly, in this paper we analyzed the role of the so-called "nonsense", "playful" children’s literature and practically presented papers that can be used in order to develop the speech of preschool children.


language development, preschool children, articulation, children's literature

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