Vesna Zdravković, Nela Malinović-Jovanović, Marija Dejković

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Contemporary concept of education involves a student maximally engaged intellectually, independent in gaining new knowledge and directly involved in the teaching process. Bearing this in mind, in the initial teaching it is necessary for students to be maximally engaged as active factors in the teaching process. One of the way, close and familiar to them, is to achieve it through the game. Teaching contents in primary music education are adequate for application of various didactic music games which shall engage the students in many ways and enable them to acquire elementary concepts in theory of music through play and fun. Therefore, the main goal of this paper was to estimate the adoption of dynamics as the variation in loudness and their marking in the musical notation through didactic music games. The sample consisted of 240 students of the third grade of primary schools in Vranje., On the basis of the assessment scale index the absorption and reproduction of dynamic variations through the game „Izgubljeno pile“ was examined.  The best results were achieved by the students for the strong dynamic performance (forte), then the gradual increase (crescendo), while the weaker results were achieved for reproduction of soft dynamic performanse (piano) and gradual decrease (decrescendo). The obtained results can contribute to the overcoming of dynamic shading, as well as in the use of didactic music games as a Special purpose songs when learning from a musical notation.


game, didactic music games, dynamic shading

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)