Aleksandra K. Andjelković

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Critical pedagogy has significant place among the papers of numerous researchers and theoretician of education especially in the USA. The central focus of this paper is directed to historical development of critical pedagogy, the most significant postulates and on ideas of their bearer. The starting points for considering presents the ideas of critical pedagogues as Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux, ideas of Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Dewey that are considered as forerunners of this movement, until the contemporary representatives of critical pedagogy who continued to support and develop this approach. The aim of this paper is to consider the influence of critical pedagogy and its representatives on school practice and education. It can be concluded that promoted idea, which was created and developed in critical pedagogy that education is never „sterile clean“, is impregnated with reflections of numerous political, economic and social circumstances, and it stayed as future vision to be considered by theoretician of education, pedagogues and pedagogy of future. At the end, some of the implications for modern pedagogical practice, formed by analyzing the critical pedagogy and needed to nurture in school practice are separated, those implications are developing teachers’ critical spirit and its autonomy, nurturing the quality in relations with students that induce their development and improve outcomes, the strength of the dialogue culture which respects the right to be different and which straightens the ethical responsibility of teachers that represents the basics of teachers’ identity development and building of their profession.   


Critical Pedagogy, Paulo Freire, Education, Society

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)