Dragana Stanković

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The paper presents the results of the analysis of the usage of futures in the speech of the Vranje's children of preschool and primary school age. In this regard, all forms of futures are used by the examinees, and then by calculating the frequency index (IF) the frequency of usage of the dialectic futures structure and the dependence of the usage of this structure on non-linguistic factors - the age of pupils, sex, education of both parents, places of residence, attending kindergarten / school. The sample covered 40 examinees, children of pre-school and primary school age, different sex, parents education and place of residence. The obtained results indicate the use of three different constructions in the service of Futures I, whereby the dialectic futuric structure is the most frequent and resistant to the influence of the language standard. So, the influence of non-linguistic factors on the usage of the dialectic Futuric form is visible, but not great. As a result, age and gender have no influence. The obtained results can contribute to the improvement of the processing of futures in the teaching of the Serbian language, which is particular importance for teaching in the pronounced dialectical area such as the Prizren-South Moravian region, to which the Vranje's speech belongs to.


children's speech, futur I, frequency, non-linguistic factors.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE1702113S


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