Nela Malinović-Jovanović

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The paper presents the results of research on the achievements of the third and fourth grade of primary school students in relation to the requirements of the objectives and learning outcomes given in the Mathematics Curriculum for Primary School. In order to examine the achievements of students, i.e. the level of achievement of objectives about natural numbers, a taxonomic model of operationalization of the goal and objectives of teaching mathematics was used. The survey was conducted on a sample of 341 students of the third and 315 students of the fourth grade in three Primary Schools in the population of students of the third and fourth grades of primary schools in Pčinja District in Serbia. A descriptive method was used in all its variants: analytical, comparative and classificational, and in accordance with that the analysis technique and testing of the content was applied. As an instrument, criterion-referenced tests were created for the purpose of research, which determined what and to what level of knowledge in terms of quality were the students acquired from what was planned.

The obtained results indicate that the students did not achieve the most of objectives given in the Mathematics Curriculum, considering the quality of knowledge they include, which was determined on the basis of an analysis of the requirements of objectives and learning outcomes and in accordance with categories of knowledge of given taxonomic model.

The results of this theoretical-empirical research can contribute to changes in the approach to teaching contents: in changing and innovating the mathematics curriculum, in presenting the content of the program; the operationalization of the goal and objectives; the quality of evaluating and assessing student achievement; validity and quality of tests of knowledge and skills, and others.


educational objectives, taxonomy, student's achievements, level of achievements of educational objectives, Mathematics Curriculum

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