Branka Kovačević, Biserka Košarac

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The authors in this introductory part analyze problem of students’ communicative competencies as well as possibilities for their abetment in teaching process. In this paper we have presented a review of previous tangent research of students’ communicative competencies in teaching process.

The aim of the research is to identify dimensions of teachers’ role in encouraging of students’ communication competences in teaching, based on the sample of 275 teachers. In the research we have applied the scale for assessment of teacher role in encouraging the development of students’ communicative competence in teaching.   

The research results clearly show that the dimensions of teacher’s role in encouraging the development of student’s communicative competences are directed to: 1) encouraging cooperation and toleration in communication, 2) encouraging free thinking in teaching and learning process, and 3) encouraging empathy in communication.

The authors in this paper do suggest that a team of experts should be involved (pedagogue, andragogue, psychologist, sociologist, communicologist) in the process f creation and realization of the unique program for teacher’s continual professional training in the field of improvement of communication quality and improvement of exhortation development of student’s communicative competences in the teaching process.


teacher, communicative competences, student

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE1801001K


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