Zoran Stanković, Zorica Stanisavljević Petrović, Jelena Petrović

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The paper analyses the relation of contemporary school with the concepts of lifelong learning and sustainable development. It also elaborates the fact that school itself undergoes numerous changes in order to adequately respond to the demands of modern society, some of with refer to developing tools that build students’ capacities for lifelong learning and education for sustainable development. The major changes are felt in the very base of its functioning, moving it from the traditional educational organization toward the learning organization, that adopts modern work models and bases process of learning on active involvement, knowledge transformation and partner relations between students and teachers. Such conceptual changes fully correspond to new educational needs of individuals longing to develop competences for lifelong learning. Consequently, the alignment of school changes with the necessity to prepare students for lifelong education and education for sustainable development makes the central idea of the text. Finally, changes in contemporary school, especially in the part of school learning, are found to support the development of the concept of lifelong learning and education for sustainable development.


school, education, students, lifelong learning, sustainable development

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)