Marina Malobabic, Danijela Živković, Nebojša Ranđelović

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The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between the tendency to manifest psychosomatic reactions and procrastination in students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, as well as to examine the differences in the tendency to manifest psychosomatic symptoms and procrastination in relation to gender and age. The study involved 459 students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Niš, of which 25 subjects with chronic diseases (asthma, allergies, diabetes, etc.) were excluded from the study. Subjects completed the Psychosomatic Symptoms Scale (PSS) (Vulić-Prtorić, 2005, 2016) and Procrastination Assessment Scale (PASS) Solomon & Rothblum, 1984. The results showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the tendency to exhibit pseudoneurological, cardiovascular-respiratory, gastrointestinal and pain-musculoskeletal symptoms and procrastination, a statistically significant positive correlation between age and the frequency of pseudoneurological symptoms, as well as a statistically significant correlation between age and procrastination rate. We also found that women were more likely to exhibit psychosomatic problems than men.


psychosomatic symptoms, pseudoneurological symptoms, procrastination

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