Vladimir Momčilović, Vesna Zdravković

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The aim of this research was the integration of Physical and Musical activities to the development of motor skills of class teaching students. The sample of 64 survey participants consisted of primary school students, aged 9 and 10 (± 6 months) from Niš and divided into two groups - experimental and control group, 32 participants in each group. The participants from the experimental group participated in the additional Physical Education lessons which included coordination and speed exercises, that is, the integrated lessons, while the survey participants from the control group were included only in regular Physical Education lessons, and also in Music Education lessons. The following motor skills were examined: Speed, Agility, Flexing, Explosive strength, Repetitive strength and Segmental speed. The obtained results show that there is a statistically significant difference in 20 meter run with the elongated start (M20VS .000), 30 meter run with the elongated start (M30VS .000), figure-of-eight agility run test (MKOT .000), side steps (MKUS .000), standing forward bend (MDPK .000), split (MŠPA .000), standing long jump (MSDM .000), standing triple jump (MTRS .000), foot tapping (MTAN .005) and hand tapping (MTAP .001). Given the results obtained, the design of a special program that would include the integration of the content of these subject areas would contribute to the development of elementary physical and musical skills.


coordination, speed, motor skills, additional integrated learning of Physical Education and Music Education

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
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