Krasimira Borisova Drumeva

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The development of various technologies in the second half of the twentieth century brought about the emergence of new art genres. While these new forms of art were striving for recognition and gaining popularity, the older legacy forms were also undergoing some transformations. Undoubtedly, technological innovations alter the relationships between the forms of creative expression and the audience for which art is intended. Art has not been perceived in the same way after the digital media came on stage. While arguing if computer graphics is actually a form of art, we tend to overlook the main issue: does the development of new technologies changes the entire nature of art. Traditional aesthetics is faced with the huge problem to collect, analyze and summarize the wide range of newly emerging genres of art. Most of them are not susceptible of generalization and methodization because of the unlimited freedom and dynamism in their development.


fine art, cultural inheritance, digital technologies, visual communication, virtual environment

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895