Ivana Ilić Krstić, Vesna Miltojević

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Climate change is one of the biggest current issues for the entire humankind. All world countries, including Serbia, are faced with the consequences of climate change, the most prominent of which include a rise in average annual temperature, periods of extreme drought, and periods of extreme precipitation, leading to floods. Previous research has shown that the impacts and effects of climate change are not gender-neutral. It was found that climate change affects women more than men, or that women are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In addition to poverty, other causes include gender-biased interactions with the surrounding, gender-biased roles in the household and the community, gender inequality regarding access to social and physical resources, and gender disparities related to education, health, income, and time.

This paper discusses the importance of examining the gender perspective of climate change in Serbia in order to identify the existing deficiencies and call attention to areas that, if explored further, could contribute to more just and gender-sensitive climate change policies and programs.


climate change, Republic of Serbia, gender sensitivity, adaptation to climate change, policy

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)