Milan Veljković, Snežana Živković, Miodrag Milenovic

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The aim of this meta-analytical study was to quantitatively integrate the findings obtained in individual studies that addressed the relationship between Environmental Identity (EID) and Ecological Worldview (NEP) on the one hand, and the relationship between Environmental Identity and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) on the other, to determine which of these variables is the better predictor of Environmental Identity. This meta-analytical study included studies that had healthy adults as subjects. The studies included in the meta-analysis are quantitative correlation studies in English, published in an electronic form whose methodological features correspond to the context of this analysis. A total of 32 papers were included in the meta-analysis. The results of both meta-analyzes indicate the existence of a significant overall effect, in the sense that both NEP and CNS are good predictors of Environmental Identity, but CNS is still better where according to Cohen's criteria the effect size is strong while in NEP studies the effect size is medium. The obtained results are in line with the expectations and results of other researchers. The obtained results indicate high heterogeneity and the study was discussed with suggestions for researchers in this field in the direction of continuing the research of the relationship between the variables that are the subject of research.


ecological psychology, ecological worldviews, ecological identity, Connectedness to Nature, meta-analysis

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