Zoran Marjanovic, Miomir Raos, Milena Mančić, Milan Protić

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The concept of Traffic Safety implies not only strategic thinking about the level of road safety, but also the use of modern technologies in the transport sector through means of alternative propulsion, hybrid and electric vehicles. As a result of the use of alternatively powered vehicles, safety risks related to specific operating and maintenance conditions inevitably occur. The paper gives a brief overview of the traffic safety situation in the Republic of Serbia followed by the issue of safety and maintenance of alternative propulsion vehicles in terms of their use, and a special reference to the components of alternative vehicles that differ from the conventional ones. Also, the safety risks of using electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EV/HEV) due to the increasing mass use in traffic, as well as the safety of alcoholic fuels (ethanol and methanol), biodiesel LPG and CNG fuels were analyzed.


traffic safety, alternative propulsion vehicles, safety risks

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)