Sanja Simonović Alfirević, Branislava Kovačević, Mila Pucar

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The attitude towards the values of cultural heritage is one of the important factors in shaping the character of a place and the character of a cultural and historical ambience. Cultural heritage plays an important role in strengthening the regional and local cultures and tradition with respect to economic and social issues, as well as with respect to the environmental protection regulation. The Brankovina cultural and historical complex – the immovable property of exceptional importance, is an important cultural centre of Serbia which implies an integrated protection of all structures together with the surrounding area. The illegal construction, inappropriate reconstructions and interventions in this area have resulted from a lack of urban planning regulation over a long period of time. Insufficiently developed awareness about the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of clearly defined programmes and measures that would ensure a continuous process of protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage. The flood risk problem is much more prominent in this area than in other parts of Serbia due to complexity in the protection of historical heritage and particular ambience qualities. The work on the area development programme which would provide spatial, environmental, economic and functional conditions for future development and protection of this area has started after the adoption of the Decision on General Regulation Plan. The achievement of objectives is moving towards the affirmation, protection and improvement of the Brankovina cultural and historical complex as a traditional cultural heritage, along with planning the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of the area, and without environmental consequences.


immovable cultural properties, restoration, spatial and urban planning, flood protection

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