Milica Jović, Mirjana Laković, Marjan Jovčevski

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Daily emissions of greenhouse gasses have a negative impact on the quality of the atmosphere. In almost every sector there is a certain emission of these gasses. This means that every sector, whether it is the energy, industry, transport sector or the household has a part in the degradation of the environment. In this connection, many models have been developed, whose task is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide as well to improve the environmental quality. This paper will discuss the carbon footprint model. A carbon footprint is the set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by something. It can be calculated for a product, service, person or even a country, and is used to understand the impact of human activity on the earth’s climate. Also, an analysis of carbon footprint using different types of fuel for heating households will be presented.


carbon footprint, pellet, carbon dioxide, renewable energy, emissions

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUWLEP1801081J


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ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)