Dragan Dinić, Vesna Miltojević

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Motivation for work in altered social circumstances in the Republic of Serbia has rarely been the topic of research. Also, literature review suggests that it had not been a topic of interest before the break-up of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and the transition processes in Serbia. After a brief overview of different approaches to motivation and motivation for work and a presentation of the results of the research conducted in the former SFRY and the Republic of Serbia, the paper presents the results of research on motivational factors for dedication at work in company Borbeni složeni sistemi d.o.o. (Complex combat systems Ltd) in Velika Plana. The research was conducted through a questionnaire involving 105 respondents. The results show that higher salary is a motivational factor for the greatest percentage of the respondents. It is followed by greater respect for the employees' rights, job security, rewards for good work performance, greater respect for regulations related to health and safety at work, better interpersonal relationships, better work organisation, better physical working conditions, and finally promotion opportunities.


motivation, motivation for work, motivational factors

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)