Marijola Božović, Emina Mihajlović, Ivana Ilić-Krstić, Snežana Živković

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Managing the risk of accidents for the purpose of ensuring occupational and environmental safety involves a number of activities, measures, and programs to be taken before, during, and after an accident in order to avoid it, reduce its impact, and mitigate its effects, respectively. A company or another legal entity is obligated to devise an accident protection plan and to adhere to it when taking measures of accident prevention and minimization of the impact on human life and health, property, and the environment. The structure of such a plan is presented along with the legal framework for accident management.

This paper contains an insight about opinions of the members of fire rescue brigades regarding various aspects of emergencies in the context of accident management in general. A total number of 45 respondents participated in the study. Findings indicate that almost all respondents believe that their skills and abilities are applicable in the intervention phase and less than a half believe that their skills are applicable in prevention phase, while two-thirds of respondents stated that they have support for further education and upgrading in their organizations.


emergencies, risk management, fire rescuer, accident prevention

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)