Vlastimir Vucic, Miljana Radovic Vucic

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Environmental policy integration (EPI) relates to the incorporation of environmental concerns in sectoral policies outside the conventional environmental policy domain. The sectoral policies have objectives that conflict environmental objectives and therefore have the perspective to influence root causes of environmental pressure. The integration between environment and energy policies is a standpoint upon which the EU has influenced energy governance. There is still a lack of precision how the relationship between both policies has transformed and modified energy policy. Ideally, the performance of EPI strategies is evaluated in terms of physical indicators such as CO2 emissions, environmental quality, reduction of climate risks, etc. Because this is difficult, if not impossible, reported levels of EPI relate to policy processes and outputs only. Market-based mechanisms are regarded as an EPI strategy where they are implemented in sectoral policies. Recent studies have shown that these strategies can be efficient in stimulating environmental protection and that this depends on the price set and on enforcement. This paper proposes a model built around five aspects of policy support for renewable electricity (RES-E) production: type of policy scheme, level of support, duration of support, length of the administrative process and social acceptance. The purpose of this paper is therefore to contribute to more effective EPI strategies by developing a framework on the governance of EPI.


Environmental policy integration, energy policy, renewable electricity, market-based mechanisms

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