Snežana Živković, Milan Veljković

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The paper presents the theoretical groundwork of people’s safety in the working environment observed from the psychophysiological point of view. This aspect was considered through the characteristics and influence of the psychic processes, traits and states on the individual safety during the work. Bearing in mind that each person is different and represents a distinctive and unique person that is structured in a specific and special way, the knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of people is a crucial factor for professional safety.

Specifically, worker traits such as individual differences, personality, emotions, knowledge, cognition, and similar, influence employees activities and behaviour, as well as and the outcome of their work in terms of safety – whether or not an occupational injury or accident occurred or whether there was a possibility of threats. Through the study of the psychophysiological features of a human, i.e. its psychic characteristics, processes, and personality, it is possible to a certain extent to influence the improvement of the safety parameters in the workplace as well as the efficient functioning of the "man-production environment" system.



Safety, psychological states, psychological processes, personality traits.

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