Tomislav Rakić, Snežana Živković

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The satisfaction of an employee has great influence on his/her motivation to increase productivity. Motivation is one of the most important topics in management because organizations achieve certain results and goals depending on employee performance which is, again, directly related to employee satisfaction. The focus of human activities and their driving force is the complex combination of factors that comprise all the motivational drivers. In an effort to answer the question of why an individual behaves in a particular way and not otherwise, it is necessary to analyze the motives which are the components of each personality.

It is possible to explore practical ways to eliminate or reduce the effects of factors that cause undesired motivation if objective stimuli from working environment are identified. As employee satisfaction involves multiple factors, the primary goal of this paper is to identify employee needs and then rank them. The results presented in this paper are part of an extensive survey first conducted in 2014/2015, and repeated in 2018, on a total sample of 386 respondents.


motivation, workplace safety motivation, work incentive, job satisfaction

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