Marijola Božović, Emina Mihajlović, Snežana Živković

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The late 20th and early 21st centuries were marked by sudden and rapid changes, including the free flow and interconnectedness of people, information, and trade, but the most prominent changes pertain to scientific and technological advancements. New connections were also found between different scientific disciplines, which had previously been considered unrelated, thus causing the breakthrough of multidisciplinary sciences. Unfortunately, the 21st century has so far been ridden with natural disasters worldwide. According to EM-DAT (Emergency Event Database 2015), the consequences and losses caused by natural disasters have been increasing. Thus, risk assessment became a priority for reducing the risk from natural disasters. Risk assessment is the essence of risk management. Just as there are connections between various scientific disciplines, so are there connections between various disastrous events, which resulted in the increased importance of the concept of multi-risk. Multi-hazard risk assessment is a key step in integrated risk management. Over the last decade, the interest in multi-risk assessment has grown in Europe but also globally.


natural disasters, risk, risk assessment, multi-risk

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUWLEP1903161B


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