Milena Mančić, Miomir Raos, Marko Mančić, Milan Protić, Milena Medenica, Milena Rajić

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Improving the energy efficiency of facilities should reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and independence from energy imports, increase jobs and energy security, as well as encourage researchers in further research to be creative, innovative and competitive. With about 40% of primary energy consumption accompanied by 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, the construction sector is one of the largest consumers in Europe. Energy consumption of the construction sector in Serbia has a significant share in total energy consumption of 48%, 65% of which refers to energy consumption in residential buildings. The legislation on Energy efficiency in Serbia implies a specific energy consumption of 65[kWh/m2] for one apartment buildings and 60[kh/m2] for multi-apartment buildings.  In this paper, a settlement with 50 apartment buildings is analyzed, impact on building envelope construction and applied heating system type to carbon and primary energy footprint is estimated using the degree-day method. Although the mentioned specific energy consumption limit is determined by national legislation, this paper tackles the benefits and costs of reducing energy and carbon footprint by reducing carbon and primary energy footprint to a value lower than the mentioned limit.


energy efficiency, carbon footprint, housing

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