Andrijana Milošević, Suzana Savić

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Abstract. This paper presents a pollution risk management model of the river Nišava. The institutional and legal framework in the water sector in theRepublic ofSerbia, as well as the general risk management model, was used to create this model. The model has four basic stages (planning, evaluation, treatment, and risk monitoring), which are correlated and necessary for water quality improvement. Risk evaluation stage was discussed in greater detail, and the Nišava water quality was estimated using the Serbian Water Quality Index method. SWQI method summarizes ten selected parameters of physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics (oxygen saturation, coliform bacteria, BOD5, pH value, total nitrogen oxides, orthophosphates, suspended matter, ammonium ion, temperature and electrical conductivity) in an index number of water quality. The results from the year 2011 show that the Nišava water quality index is 88, which corresponds to class I of surface water and the descriptive indicator "very good". This model can generally be used as a common pollution risk management model for other rivers, with some modifications. 

Key words: pollution risk management, water quality, Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI), quality indicators

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)