Vol.10, No 2, 2011 pp. 205 - 217
UDC 681.325-181.33   621.548

Ivan Ćirić, Žarko Ćojbašić, Vlastimir Nikolić, Emina Petrović
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, A. Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia
E-mail: {ciric.ivan, zcojba, vnikolic}@masfak.ni.ac.rs,

Abstract. Control of variable speed wind turbine system is very complicated because of the stochastic nature of the wind and the complexity of power electronics. In classical control, the controller design needs accurate mathematical model, but this kind of model of the wind turbine system is very difficult to get because of the nonlinear characteristics, stochasticity, disturbances and uncertainties. Two mass-model of the variable speed wind turbine is analyzed, improved and then combined with stochastic wind model for simulation purposes. In order to simplify the design and implementation of controller and to avoid development of more sophisticated mathematical model, fuzzy control system is proposed. In this paper only the case of subcritical wind speed was analyzed and fuzzy controller was applied for supervisory aeroturbine control. Since it is not possible to measure wind speed directly, particle filter is used for estimation of the wind speed used in control loop.
Key Words: fuzzy control, wind turbine, wind speed estimation, Monte Carlo simulation, particle filter.

Upravljanje vetro-turbinama promenljive brzine nije jednostavno, kako zbog stohastičke pri¬rode vetra, tako i zbog kompleksnosti energetske elektronike. Kod klasičnog upravljanja projektovanje kontrolera zahteva precizan matematički model do koga je kod vetroturbina jako teško doći zbog nelinearnih karakteristika, stohastičke prirode procesa, smetnji i nepouzdanosti. Model vetroturbine promenljive brzine sa dve mase je analiziran, unapredjen i potom kombinovan sa stohastičkim modelom vetra kako bi se potom mogao koristiti za odgovarajuće simulacije. U cilju pojednostavljenja projektovanja i implementacije kontrolera, kao i izbegavanja razvoja sofisticiranijeg matematičkog modela, predložen je fazi sistem upravljanja. Razmatran je samo slučaj podkritične brzine vetra i fazi kontroler je primenjen za supervizijsko upravljanje aeroturbinom. Pošto brzinu vetra nije moguće direktno meriti, partikl filter je u upravljačkom kolu korišćen za ocenu brzine vetra.
Ključne reči: fazi upravljanje, vetro turbine, ocena brzine vetra, partikl filter