Vol.2, No 7/2, 1997 pp. 381 - 390
UDC: 532.51.4 
Vukman V. Bakić, Simeon N. Oka
"Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy
P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Abstract.  In this paper the profiles of mean axial and radial velocity components, turbulence intensity, Reynolds stresses  , probability density functions of velocity and mean temperature field in different cross-sections of premixed acetylene/air mixture with stoichiometric ratio are given. The velocity field measurements were performed with the one component laser-Doppler anemometry, while for the temperature field measurements Pt-PtRh10% thermocouple was used. Based on the velocity field measurements, for three different particle seeding points 1) in premixed unburned reactants only, 2) in surrounding air only, and 3) in both reactants and surrounding air, the contributions of different parts of the flow field and mixing processes between surrounding air and combustion products in characteristic regions of premixed acetylene flame were analyzed.

U ovom radu su dati profili prosečnih komponenti aksijalnih i radijalnih komponenti brzina, intenzitet turbulencije, Rejnoldsov napon  , funkcije gustine verovatnoće brzine i prosečnog temperaturskog polja u različitim poprečnim presecima prethodno stvorene mešavine acetilena i vazduha sa stehiometrijskim odnosom. Merenja brzinskog polja su obavljena jedno-komponentnom laser-Dopler anemometrijom, dok se za merenje temperaturskog polja koriste termoparovi Pt-PtRh10%. Zasnovan na merenjima brzinskog polja, za tri različite tačke zasejanja analizirani su 1) u smeši nesagorelih reaktanata samo, 2) u okolnom vazduhu samo, i 3) kako reaktanata tako i okolnog vazduha i produkta sagorevanja u karakterističnim oblastima acetilenskog plamena.