Sladjana Markovic, Irina Miodragovic Vella, Ludger Hovestadt

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Studying the development of digital technology in architecture during the last thirty years highlights the opportunity for exploring the process of positioning the architect within an architectural approach based on the continual digital data-driven design and realization, using the example of the “digital chain” principle. Digital tools and processes have evolved driven by technological advancements and supporting the architectural design, but also challenging the influence and role of the architect as designer.

Accordingly, the positioning of the architect within the design and realization of architecture is a process that constantly is developing, evolving, progressing and changing, but not simultaneously with the development of technology. The paper investigates this with the focus on the “digital chain”, which is the continual approach that links architectural design and realization by coding the process and involving digital fabrication (machine and material) and the architect in each step of architectural accomplishments.

Methodologically, this research is based on overlapping the information of a (rapid) review of the continual digital data-driven design principle (example of “digital chain”) over time and the conventional (analog) design focused both on architect’s discourse, role and influence in the current and future design and implementation of works of architecture. The paper does not define the exact position of the architect in the “digital chain” because the process is further evolving and also depends on the type of fabrication, taking into account the freedom of choice of the architect. It does, however, identify the zone and type of influence of the process effects on the architect, and determines the necessity and role of the architect as a designer in the process.

The work aims to define and outline the currently developing conceptual framework of the positioning of architects, while a precise definition of the position would hinder the architect from expressing creativity. However, new research directions open a scientific field of constant redefinition of the design process with architectural influence in terms of activities and characteristics of the role of the architect within continual digital approaches to designing architecture.


emerging architecture, positioning of the architect as designer, redefinition of the design process, continual data-driven design

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