Milica Igić, Petar Mitković, Milena Dinić-Branković, Jelena Đekić, Mihailo Mitković

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Rural areas represent areas that are different from other areas in terms of economic, social, demographic and cultural development. The differences are determined by multiple factors - geomorphological characteristics, population, economic structure, infrastructure and utilities as well as the developmental potential of certain areas, all of which present the basis for the development of strategic plans. This paper discusses main characteristics of spatial and functional structure of rural areas situated within the municipalities of Niš. Many settlements, even when they stand next to each other, differ in terms of their inner organization and structure. But also, there are many elements that are common for the settlements in a certain area. The aim of this paper is to analyze functional and spatial structure of these settlements and to point out their similarities. Influence of the geographical location and historical background will be also analyzed. Because of their specific terrain conditions and due to the influence of historical events, these settlements had a very strong impact of Ottoman architecture and some of the evidence are present in their structure even today. On the other hand, because of their favorable location, air pollution is lower than in the cities which makes the quality of life better.


functional structure, spatial structure, rural settlements, physical organization

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559