Ksenija Radaković, Mića Radaković, Branka Protić - Gava

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Persons with disabilities and reduced ability to move need to be provided with unimpeded access, movement, staying and working in all buildings with equal treatment as the rest of the people. The objective of this paper was to determine accessibility to public service institutions and educational institutions, as well as possible statistically significant differences in the presence of elements of accessibility between such institutions. The total of 154 buildings in Novi Sad was processed (70 educational institutions and 84 public service institutions). Measuring lists were composed for the purpose of collecting data based on the Rulebook on Technical Standards of Accessibility RS 2013, with the additional use of a meter and subjective visual assessment of a measuring entity. The obtained data were processed in the programme SPSS for Windows, version 20. For the purpose of determining differences among the parametric variables, a T-test for independent samples was used, and in order to determine the differences among the non-parametric variables, a χ2– test was used, at the deduction level of p≤0,05. The obtained results indicate the existence of statistically significant differences in the elements of accessibility among the public service and educational institutions in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, especially with respect to the following variables: type of entrance doors (p=0.027) and opening side of the entrance doors (p=0.000).


persons with disabilities, facilities, accessibility, standards

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559