Arber Sadiki, Vladimir Mako

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This study aims to define the importance of a sociological component in urban plans and determine its impact on the overall quality of urban documentation and subsequently on the quality of urban life. Social transformations which took place after the Second World War, new social and political order in Kosovo, within which Priština became the main administrative city, resulted in a need for new administrative, cultural, social and other facilities, which indispensably caused development of first urban plans.The specific aim of this study is directed towards identification and determination how the General Urban Plan of Priština from 1953 designed by Dragutin Partonić, professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, affected important social and cultural changes of the city. Actually, this document also presents the beginning of modernization of Priština.


Modernization, modernism, Priština, urban plans, Dragutin Partonić

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559