Anica Draganić

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This article presents new research, which has the objective of defining theoretical and methodological approaches to valorisation and conservation of the industrial heritage. It studies the present condition of industrial heritage in Vojvodina and the evolution of the conservation approach during the period under study (1945–today) through legislation and the documentation of the Institutes for Cultural Heritage Preservation. It indicates the previous inadequate partial evaluation, which has resulted in a loss of many important evidences of the industrial past. A mental schema, based on the Nara document of authenticity, is set as a tool for an interdisciplinary research and evaluation of industrial heritage authenticity. The proposed evaluation method, tested on the example of the brewery in Zrenjanin, results in a conservation project that offers a potential framework for future conservation approach to the industrial heritage of Vojvodina.


industrial heritage, valorisation, criteria, conservation approach, Vojvodina

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559