Katarina Vujisić, Milena Krklješ

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This paper considers transformation of urban form of post-socialistic cities arising from the transition from socialism to capitalism. The structural transformation resulted in creation of polycentric cities, deindustrialization and revitalisation of suburban zones and led to emerging of commercial developments as a manifestation of activity of new urban players. The emergence of shopping centres marks the beginning of consumerism in the consumer society that has formerly been exclusively oriented to industrial production. The effects of this phenomenon on the urban tissue are similar in all cities of Central and East Europe. Likewise, in Podgorica, such effects reflected in restructuring of previously known urban structure, inducing creation of new town districts to the full extent. The purpose of this study is to reassess the existing and introduce new mechanisms of urban policy of the post-socialistic cities, with a particular focus on Podgorica, thus enabling facilitation of legal frameworks and an institutional approach to the further process.


post-socialist city, polycentricism, suburbanisation, shopping centre

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559