Vuk Miletić, Slavko Božilović

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The subject of this paper is the quality improvement analysis for Serbian companies in global conditions of livelihood and key factors for accomplishing competitive market leadership. Serbian economy by analysis cannot be competitive without the fulfillment of the most important condition which is competitive products that meet modern world market requirements. To meet the requirements, it is necessary for Serbian companies to change their way of thinking and implement world achievements in organisation and management areas. Serbian companies that continuously apply current methods and management techniques have significantly higher chances to strengthen their competitive capability on the international market. They are securing a stable market position with a perspective for market rise.

This paper is trying to find the significance of the mentioned relations in the conditions of relatively insufficient application of new technology and management of knowledge in transitional economies like Serbia by using theory performance and analysis. The ultimate business goal for Serbian companies is to reach business excellence and world class products.

Key words: management, competitiveness, business, quality, analysis

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