Vesna Janjić, Mirjana Todorović, Violeta Domanović

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There is almost a generally accepted view that quality is one of the most important factors of company competitiveness. For this reason, quality needs to be managed. In response to the need for management and requirements for high quality, theory and practice have developed several concepts. Total Quality Management (TQM) and Kaizen are two basic concepts directly involved in continuous improvement of product and process quality in the company, aimed at achieving positive transformation in the minds and actions of employees and managers. The focus of this paper is the analysis of the mentioned concepts and their contribution to the program of continuous quality improvement. Hence, the goal set by this paper is to review the basic characteristics of TQM and Kaizen, and, on the basis of a comparative analysis, draw conclusion about the distinction between them in terms of essence and practical application in the field of quality management.


quality, continuous improvement, concept, Total Quality Management, Kaizen

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUEO1801043J


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