Vuk Miletić, Slavomir Miletić, Nemanja Berber

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In the conditions of growing competition on the market, organizations must ensure their sustainability, first of all, by implementing a systemic concept of business conduct in which the management is recognized as a powerful process of achieving high organizational performances. It is a concept that enables the meeting of the needs of consumers on a level different to their target value. In this sense, organizations must be structured in such a way as to fulfill certain conditions and criteria thanks to which sustainably high performance is created, which is, in fact, the goal of this research. Such performance is created as a result of the development of management within key areas of operation – the quality of products and services, production cost, speed to market, and innovating and developing such products and services. Success of such organizations greatly depends on the managers’ ability to develop and keep a talented workforce, which is a key factor in high performance development. By mastering change, outstandingly managing and controlling the future, assumptions for achieving business excellence and achieving high performance results are created. To confirm the starting hypothesis, the method of analysis, the method of synthesis and the method of multiple comparison and statistical test are used.


Management, organization, performance, HPO model

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